
Sunday, December 16, 2012

DIY Instant Wall Art- 2

Hello and welcome to view my Instant Wall Art-2....
I call it so because a few days back, I uploaded a post on Instant Wall art- Shoebox Lid Upcycling.....You can see the post by clicking here.
I made this wall art in a similar fashion using a shoe box lid and a scrapbook paper.

Instant Wall Art- Shoe box Lid Upcycling
This is the shoe box Lid I used for this wall art....

Shoe box Lid
This wall art is little different by accident!!! Funny Story :)....
Let me tell you.....
The scrapbook paper comes in a specific size and it fit my earlier shoebox lid perfectly....
However, this lid belonged to my beloved hubby's was a huge box!!!
It had to be....These were the shoes!!!!

So imagine my despair when the paper kept falling short from all sides......
After racking my brains for quite some time, I still couldn't make it fit.....I thought of using two pieces of scrapbook paper, but I wasn't feeling very happy about the idea...... But, I was not ready to give up.....
And then, out of nowhere an idea struck!!!
I decided to give the frame a boxed look.....( a box for a
I cut the paper in a way that it fit on the box, leaving an uniform border all around.....

Scrapbooking Paper

Then I painted the border with black color.......
See how it looks here......

When the color dried completely, I glued the paper on to the box lid........
It turned out like this!!!

Shoe box Upcycling
Here's how it looks on the wall :)
The black border gives it a look of certain depth, which is what I like about this wall art....

Instant Wall Art

The beauty of this wall art is in its uniform design.....which gives me the flexibility to hang it any way I like.....It looks good horizontally, and equally good vertically!!! Ain't that awesome???It is, right???

I used scrapbook paper here, but you can use any gift wrapping paper with a uniform design too!!!
Hope you liked this......
You can also view my earlier Post on DIY Instant Wall Art here.....
I will be posting more stuff soon, so do keep coming back.....
Thanks for visiting and comment below to let me know you were here.....

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