
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blog Makeover

I have changed......
I had an overnight makeover and I am more dynamic now.....
I guess the 12/12/12 fever caught on me too.....
As you know, this is the last time we are seeing this date!!!
So, Whats changed about me???
You can now 'like' or 'tweet' each post now.....
The 'followers' , 'page views' and other columns have compactly sneaked to
the right of the post and they slide out when you move your cursor there.....
The comment box is now more friendly too.
And, you know what? You can even change the way you view 
me now, by clicking on the 'Sidebar' (left upper corner) and changing it 
to any other view that you like e.g.. mosaic, magazine etc.
Have fun exploring the beauty of my posts through these views.
Hope you like my new look....
Let me know what you think of it....
Thanks for visiting and come back soon for more...


  1. The new chic look of the blog aptly complements the simple yet trendy and innovative things you put up on this blog...nice work

    1. Thank you so much for your generous comment.....I am glad you liked it!!!


I would really love to hear from you about the things I make....Its your love and encouragement that makes me do even better.....Thank you :)