
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DIY Punch Craft- Inspirational Plaque

Punch Craft
Hi and welcome to my post on punch craft .......
Its been a little busy for the last few days and hence the delay :(
But, I have made quite a few new things this week, which I'll be uploading in the next few days :)
This plaque was made at the spur of the moment for a friend who was visiting us.....
I used cardboard as the base, which was covered with a light colored paper.....
Then, I made various colored flowers and leaves with flower punch and leaf punch respectively......
I also made some spiral roses...just love them ...
Finally, came the fun part..... assembly !!!
I assembled the leaves and flowers in a L-shaped border along the left.......
Then I used 3D outliners to make the centers of the flowers.......
I cut a small rectangle from blue colored felt as the base for the message and glued it to the board....
Then, I wrote a message with 3d outliner/ puffy paint on the felt base......
A last ribbon border on the side of the message and, my plaque was ready.....
The myriad of colors and the message sure made our friend happy !!!
Hope you liked it too :)

punch craft

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I would really love to hear from you about the things I make....Its your love and encouragement that makes me do even better.....Thank you :)